Tuition & Fees
Premiere Academy of Dance
Monthly Tuition Per Individual Child
Fall & Spring Session
1 Hour Class
Per Week
2 Hours 30 Minutes Class
Per Week
4 Hour Class
Per Week
5 Hours 30 Minutes Class
Per Week
7 Hour Class
Per Week
1 Hour 30 Minutes Class
Per Week
3 Hour Class
Per Week
4 Hours 30 Minutes Class
Per Week
6 Hour Class
Per Week
2 Hour Class
Per Week
3 Hours 30 Minutes Class
Per Week
5 Hour Class
Per Week
6 Hours 30 Minutes Class
Per Week
Monthly Tuition Fees
Monthly Tuition Fees are due on the 1st of the month. Monthly fees remain the same regardless of the number of lessons taught within a month due to holidays or regardless of child’s absences.
Late Fees/Returned Check Fees:
A late fee of $25 will be assessed for payments received after the 10th of the month. - No Exceptions. A $25 return check fee will be added onto all insufficient fund checks. There are no refunds for missed classes. (Your child may do a make-up in another class that fits both their age and skill level for any classes missed- if there is a class on the schedule).
Recital Fees:
A “Recital Fee” of $30 per family is due by February 1st. This fee helps to cover the auditorium rental and other associated costs.